Group 1: Creating a Streamlined BEM Process
Co-Chairs: Supriya Goel, Neal Kruis, and Dimitri Contoyannis
Working Group 1 did not hold a fall meeting, and instead prioritized preparation for the upcoming CalBEM 2024 Symposium.
WG1 plans the following agenda at the November CalBEM 2024 Symposium:
If you have missed these recent meetings, meeting notes and materials can be found in the CalBEM Collaborative Efforts SharePoint here.*
The Prototype Unification Technical Advisory Group led by Bryan Boyce (Energy Solutions) and Rahul Athalye (NORESCO) continues to make progress on advancing its goal to develop a single set of prototypes for use by all California state agencies and other public research/policy purposes. The TAG plans to meet mid-November.
Efforts on the “PRM Case Studies by Practitioners” led by Greg Collins and Panos Bakos is on track to have a final project report available in Q1 2025.
To attend future Group 1 meetings, or simply to keep in the loop, sign up for the WG1 mailing list.
Group 2: Developing BEM Education and Resources
Co-Chairs: Erik Kolderup and Nick Brown
Working Group 2 held a webinar in October to review an outline of a project proposal focusing on increasing student awareness of BEM and BEM-related careers. The Co-Chairs shared the draft project scope and attendees provided input and recommendations. Part of the project is leveraging modelers to be lecturers at a local university, meeting attendees raised their hand to contribute, and there’s a healthy group to draw upon once the project is scoped and finalized. The Co-Chairs have identified two groups interested in developing a project proposal for Steering Committee review, and will coordinate with those individuals to submit a project proposal
WG2 plans the following agenda at the November CalBEM 2024 Symposium:
If you have missed these recent meetings, notes and slides can be found in the CalBEM Collaborative Efforts SharePoint here.*
The “Open Source Data Visualizations for BEM Quality Assurance” project led by Greg Collins (Zero Envy), was approved by the Steering Committee in June 2024 has a lead on a project funder and awaiting final confirmation.
To attend future Group 2 meetings, or keep in the loop in real-time, sign up for the WG2 mailing list.
Group 3: Advancing BEM Capabilities and Metrics
Co-Chairs: Haile Bucaneg, Neil Bulger, and Michael Sawford.
Working Group 3 hosted a panel presentation in September highlighting different approaches to crafting effective energy efficiency measures. The panelists included Andrew Parker, NREL representing CalTF, Chris CaraDonna, NREL representing ComStock, and RJ Wichert, CEC and David Reddy, O’Brien360 representing the CEC. The panel resulted in a great discussion, which can be found in the notes, which also holds the presentation recording.
WG3 plans the following agenda at the November CalBEM 2024 Symposium:
If you have missed recent meetings, notes and slides can be found in the CalBEM Collaborative Efforts SharePoint here.*
The Alternative Calculation Methods (ACM) Manual Enhancement project, led by Elizabeth McCollum and Justin DeBlois (TRC), continues to make progress towards the project goal of drafting revised content improving the structure and clarity of the manuals. Final review of the project deliverable is currently underway.
To attend future Group 3 meetings, or keep in the loop in real-time, sign up for the WG3 mailing list.
* Working Group participants can email info@calbem.org to gain access.