Group 1: Creating a Streamlined BEM Process
The group’s top priority for 2021 has been to identify opportunities to streamline performance-based building energy codes for all stakeholders. This summer, in coordination with IBPSA-USA’s California Advocacy Committee, two webinars were held to create a video series to serve as a lasting resource on how to participate in the code update cycle, and to inform future conversations that delve deeper into the top choices for performance compliance pathways.
Simultaneously, a Prototype Unification Technical Advisory Group is being led by Bryan Boyce (Energy Solutions) and has met twice this summer. One goal of this TAG is to develop a single set of prototypes for use by all California state agencies and for other public research/policy purposes.
Group 2: Developing BEM Education and Resources
In May, this group met to discuss the status of BEM reporting resources. They addressed CBECC output and reporting end uses beyond code compliance. The co-chairs are bringing the QA/QC ideas from this meeting to the IBPSA-USA Education Committee and CABEC Training and Education Committee to identify common project ideas.
On the education side of things, the Recommendations for Building Energy Modeling Education in California project is well underway. The project seeks to identify high-priority gaps in educational resources needed to increase the effective use of building energy modeling. Emily Courtney and the team at Strategic Energy Innovations (SEI) delivered a project update and gathered stakeholder input during the July 16th Working Group 2 meeting.
A deep-dive into the BEM industry, the California BEM Industry Analysis project led by IBPSA-USA, is currently in contracting between IBPSA-USA and San Diego Gas and Electric.
Group 3: Advancing BEM Capabilities and Metrics
This group is working to support software development by creating an Energy Efficiency Software Measure List & Intake Form. A first draft of the form has been created and circulated, gathering feedback on content and function. Revisions to the form are currently underway.
After holding a webinar introducing Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Grid-Interactive Buildings projects on July 14th, the co-chairs planned their next meeting for September 8th where New Buildings Institute will share information about their GridOptimal Buildings project.
Note that the QA Tools project once hosted by this group now lives with Working Group 2 as a part of their reporting improvement efforts.