CalBEM’s purpose is to empower California’s building energy modeling (BEM) community to identify, explore, and prioritize the challenges they share, and then support solutions to those challenges to help to promote low-carbon buildings.
Join us…
CalBEM 2O24
The 9th Annual CA Building Energy Modeling Symposium
November 20-21st, 2024
Kimpton Sawyer Hotel, Sacramento, CA
No registration fee
Registration now open!
Secure your spot today.
We’re excited to announce our CalBEM 2024 Keynote and Plenary speakers:
Eric Wilson
Strategic Advisor, U.S. Department of Energy (on detail from NREL)
Eric Wilson will provide the CalBEM 2024 keynote address, presenting on the recently published National Blueprint for Decarbonizing the Buildings Sector by 2050. As a building energy modeler by training, he will speak to the role that modelers play in achieving this ambitious vision to aggressively reducing building greenhouse gas emissions while delivering equity, affordability, and resilience benefits to communities.
Dr. Amir Roth
Technology Manager, Building Energy Modeling and Control Platforms, U.S. Department of Energy
Dr. Amir Roth will provide a plenary address exploring the benefits and challenges of introducing consensus (interoperability) standards to building energy modeling, and briefly discuss what future standards may be helpful to the industry.
More information coming soon!
What is CalBEM?
CalBEM (California Building Energy Modeling) is a stakeholder collective and an annual statewide event hosted by Southern California Edison on behalf of the California Investor-Owned Utilities. CalBEM collaborates to identify and pursue systemic solutions in building energy modeling that advance California’s climate action goals. CalBEM participants come together each year at the annual Symposium to join interactive collaboration sessions and learn from energy modeling leaders across CA. Workshop sessions will cover each of CalBEM’s three Working Groups: Streamline & Simplify Processes, Educate Users, and Improve Capabilities & Accuracy.
Read more about CalBEM’s core goals and what the Working Groups are up to these days.
You can access past meeting materials on the Archive page.
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